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Jeg ville høre om der var nogle der kunne tænke sig at starte en 3 dages udrensningskur med mig fra søndag af. Formålet er simpelhem at jeg spiser alt for meget usundt, hvilket giver mig hovedpine. Derfor har jeg læst at detoxing skulle være godt(har dog også læst argumenter imod). Men der kan vel ikke ske noget ved at prøve det. Derfor ville jeg høre om der er nogle, eller en, der er interesseret i at deltage.
Det virker bare meget mere motiverende.

Detox Program for 3 dage(Jeg har selv oversat det til dansk, hvis nogle evt. har svært ved engelsk)
Dag 1: Første dag skal du reducere dit protein intag med ca en tredjedel. Samtidig med at du reducerer fed mad til en tredjedel. Til sidst, skal du forøge dit fiberindtag ved at spise mere frugt og flere grønsager end normalt. Samtidig med at du drikker mindst to liter flydende dagligt. Hold dig væk fra kaffe og the.
This is preparation day. You should reduce your protein intake by approximately one third. In addition, you have to reduce dairy products and fatty foods by around a third.
Lastly, you need to increase your fiber intake by eating more fruit and vegetables than normal. Eat at least 6 to 8 portions of fruit and vegetables every day. Additionally, drink at least 2 liters of fluid on a daily basis. Stay away from tea and coffee.
Dag 2:
Du skal skære ned på alle kulhydrater, som for eksempel ris og pasta, fed tog protein. Spis frugt og grønsager alene I stedet for I en salat. Du kan spise 3 måltider, eller 5-6 små måltider. Spis rå frugt og grønsager.
You have to cut out all carbohydrates, for example, rice and pasta, fat and protein. Eat fruit and vegetables on their own or in a salad. You can eat 3 meals, or if you desire, 5 to 6 smaller meals. Eat raw fruit and vegetables or lightly steamed.
Dag 3.
Forsæt med at spis masser af frugt og masser af grønsag. Begynd at spis flere complekse kulhydrater, som f.eks ris og pasta som en del af dine måltider. Dine potioner skal være små til hvert måltid. Gå efter 30 g eller et stykke brød hver dag. Inkluder 30g protein i dit tredje måltid. Dette kan være et lille stykke kyllinge bryst. Drik en kop grøn te.
Efter denne 3 dages detox kur skal du forsætte med at spise balanceret, sundt og varieret.
Continue eating plenty of fruit and vegetables. Gradually, re-introduce complex carbohydrates, for instance whole grain rice and pasta into your diet. Your portions should be small for each meal; aim for one small dish (30g) or one slice of granary bread every time. Include 30g of protein for your third meal. This can be a small chicken breast.
Have a cup of green tea.
After this three days detox diet you should continue eating a balanced, healthy and well-varied diet.
Day 1 of 3-Day Detox Diet Plan:
Drink about two liters of water throughout the day; drink ½ liters before breakfast.
Breakfast: 900g grapes(vindruer).
Mid-morning: ginger tea, made with hot water.
Lunch: two medium-sized apples or pears.
Mid-Afternoon: 450g grapes.
Supper should be two hours before going to bed: 225g bran(klid) cereal(kornprodukt) fugtet med frugt juice. moistened with fruit juice. Avoid orange or apple juice.
Day 2 of 3-Day Detox Diet Plan:
Drink about two liters of water throughout the day; drink ½ liters before breakfast.
Divide 1350g of potatoes into any weight for any meal. You can prepare potatoes in any way but do not remove the skins and you can only add pepper.
Day 3 of 3-Day Detox Diet Plan:
Drink water as in previous two days.
Breakfast: 1 grapefruit.
Mid-Morning: ginger tea.
Lunch: melon.
Mid-Afternoon: a handful of pumpkin(græskar) or sunflower(solsikke)seeds.(frø)
Supper: a vegetable salad with a fresh lemon juice. Avoid tomatoes.

16 år6. marts 2008 kl. 21:51

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